Celtic Coinage of Britain

third edition

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Plate 201

Modern Forgeries    (Info)

Imported Coinage    (Info)




Gallo-Belgic E

V52-01V52-01 anotherV52-01-F2V52-01-F2 another1V52-01-F2 another2V52-01-F3V52-01-F3 anotherV54-01-F1




Fantasy Types inspired by Gallo-Belgic E

Fantasy 1Fantasy 2Fantasy 3Fantasy 4Fantasy 5



















All of the coins on this plate are Haslemere Forgeries. The most obvious error is the appearance of "Steps" on the curves of the image


Haslemere Steps





Modern Haslemere Forgery


V52 - 01 - F3


The "Infamous Sylloge 17" used to condemn the Haslemere Forgeries






52 - 01 - F1    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Stater    6.10 gms    18 mm


Earliest Record: Trade catalogue June 1960


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, December 1984, this plate coin condemned August 1987.


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c, 2014c



  - Plate coin from the Haslemere Hoard



Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps almost eliminated via die dressing

  - Incorrect "whispy" style

  - Incorrect die-cutting, numerous graver slips



  - Plate coin retained by the author






V52-01-F1 another

52 - 01 - F1    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Stater    5.78 gms    18 mm


Earliest Record: Trade catalogue June 1960


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, December 1984.


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c




Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps almost eliminated via die dressing

  - Incorrect "whispy" style

  - Incorrect die-cutting, numerous graver slips



  - Disposition unknown






52 - 01 - F2    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Stater    6.09 gms    19 mm


Earliest Records: Allen 1962c, Mack 1973


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, December 1984.


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c



  - Plate coin from Haslemere Hoard


Detection Points:

  - Incorrect style

  - Incorrect die-cutting



  - Disposition unknown






V52-01-F2 another1

52 - 01 - F2    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Stater    6.04 gms    18 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1973


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984.


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c



  - From Haslemere Hoard


Detection Points:

  - Incorrect style

  - Incorrect die-cutting



  - Disposition unknown





V52-01-F2 another2

52 - 01 - F2    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Stater    5.96 gms    19 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1973


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984.


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c



  - From Haslemere Hoard


Detection Points:

  - Incorrect style

  - Incorrect die-cutting



  - Disposition unknown






52 - 01 - F3    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold State    6.01 gms    18 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1973



  - Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984

  - This plate coin condemned November 1984


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c, 2014c



  - Plate coin is the "Infamous Sylloge 17"

  - This coin used to condemn the Haslemere Forgeries

  - Die-linked to the Haslemere Hoard


Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Incorrect style

  - Incorrect die-cutting



  - Plate coin retained by the author





V52-01-F3 another

52 - 01 - F3    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Stater    6.44 gms    17 mm


Earliest Record: Van Arsdell, noted in trade, August 1986



  - Reverse die condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984

  - This plate coin appeared with a recut reverse die, August 1986


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c, 2014c



  - Plate coin die-linked to the Haslemere Hoard


Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Incorrect style

  - Incorrect die-cutting

  - Provides obverse and reverse die-links to other Haslemere Forgeries

  - Recut reverse die from the "Infamous Sylloge 17"



  - Plate coin retained by the author






54 - 01 - F1    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Stater    6.47 gms    17 mm


Earliest Record: Van Arsdell, noted in trade, September 1986



  - Coins die-linked to this coin condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984

  - This plate coin condemned September 1986


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c, 2014c



  - Die-linked to the Haslemere Hoard


Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps almost eliminated via die-dressing

  - New reverse die

  - Improved style

  - Improved (but still incorrect) die-cutting

  - Has obverse die-link to 52-01-F3 (another) plate coin

  - One of the most deceptive of the Haslemere Forgeries



  - Plate coin retained by the author





Fantasy 1

Fantasy 1    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Quarter Stater    1.42 gms    12 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1973 (purchased in auction, May 1964)


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c




Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps almost eliminated via die dressing

  - Incorrect "whispy" style

  - Incorrect die-cutting, numerous graver slips



  - Disposition unknown





Fantasy 2

Fantasy 2    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Quarter Stater    1.64 gms    11 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1966 (not published), Allen 1966c


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c




Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps almost eliminated via die dressing

  - Incorrect "whispy" style

  - Incorrect die-cutting, numerous graver slips



  - Disposition unknown





Fantasy 3

Fantasy 3    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Stater    5.54 gms    18 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1973 (acquired in 1966)


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c




Detection Points:

  - Incorrect die-cutting

  - Part of Haslemere Hoard



  - Disposition unknown





Fantasy 4

Fantasy 4    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Quarter Stater    1.65 gms    12 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1966 (not published), Allen 1966c


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c




Detection Points:

  - Incorrect style

  - Incorrect die-cutting

  - Part of Haslemere Hoard



  - Disposition unknown





Fantasy 5

Fantasy 5    Imported Coinage

Gallic War Type

Gold Quarter Stater    1.65 gms    12 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1966 (not published), Allen 1966c


Authentication: Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations, November 1984


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c




Detection Points:

  - Incorrect style

  - Incorrect die-cutting

  - Part of Haslemere Hoard



  - Disposition unknown





Modern Forgeries


For more information see "Forgeries" in the appendices on the navigation bar above.


Copyright R. D. Van Arsdell 2017