Celtic Coinage of Britain

third edition

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Plate 210

Modern Forgeries    (Info)

Cantii    (Info)




Uninscribed Coinage

Late Weald Type























All of the coins on this plate are Haslemere Forgeries. The most obvious error is the appearance of "Steps" on the curves of the image


Haslemere Steps






150 - 01 - F1    Cantii

Late Weald Type

Gold Stater    5.61 gms    17 mm


Earliest Record: Mack 1973



  - Condemned by Van Arsdell as part of the Haslemere Investigations August 1986

  - Metallurgical condemnation by Northover, Nov 1986 (not published)


Publications: Van Arsdell 1984c, 1985a, 1986c



  - Reported with fraudulent Rochester, Kent findspot


Detection Points:

  - Haslemere steps

  - Incorrect die-cutting

  - Flan made from known Haslemere alloy



  - Disposition unknown





Modern Forgeries


For more information see "Forgeries" in the appendices on the navigation bar above.


Copyright R. D. Van Arsdell 2017