Celtic Coinage of Britain

third edition

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Silver Coins 3    (Info)



V855-03 V855-05 V857-01 V877-01 V884-01 V889-01 V914-01 V950-01 V965-01 V974-01 V984-01 V992-01 V994-01 V998-01 new V1020-01 V1057-01 V1082-01 V1095-01 V1110-01 V1135-01 V1170-01 V1185-01 V1235-01 V1242-01 V1246-01 V1249-01 V1255-01 V1260-01 V1270-01 V1280-01 V1285-01 V1286-01 V1543-01 V1546-01 V1558-01 V1611-01 V1613-01 V1626-01 V1644-01 V1662-01 V1663-01 V1698-01 V1699-01









Corieltauvian Silver Unit

Hosidius Type – V855-03





Silver Coins V800 to V1699


Copyright R. D. Van Arsdell 2017